Real Pharmacy  was established in 2003, and was created as a mutual, not-for-profit organisation. Over the years we have operated many pharmacies across the east and south eastern suburbs of Victoria, and have owned our two current pharmacies for over 35 years.
Real Pharmacy  is owned by our members, profits are reinvested back into the organisation to enhance our health and service offering to our members, customers and the local community.

What We Offer

We wish to see everyone on this planet living their best and healthy life. For us to achieve this goal, we offer discounted medicinal drugs to make them affordable to everyone. Our global vision is to help change and benefit the lives of millions of people worldwide through our caring Online Pharmacy. Our wide range of categories comprehensively covers all the essential medicines that help make your day happier and bring an added energy into your lifestyle. With our customer-centric approach, we have made it easy for you to get your desired medicine to your doorstep, only a few clicks away. AMS Pharmacy is the most trusted online chemist store in Australia. We provide you with an experienced online consultancy working directly with our friendly doctors and pharmacists, working to exchange your problems with smiles and fulfillment, for Nothing is more important to us than your health and happiness. Safe, Secure and Completely Sanitized Delivery assures you of top-notch service. Australian Medicinal Supplies constantly strive to be the best and most helpful pharmacy in the world, we prove this by delivering the best medicines to you.

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